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3 Reasons to Just Go For It

Written by Callie

Recently I’ve been going for things. Which typically isn’t a thing that I do. But I’ve reached out to people, and put myself out there more so wanted to share some of the reasoning I’ve been starting to employ when my head tells me “eh, maybe you shouldn’t do that” but I want to do it anyway.

  1. What’s the worst that can happen?

    Now I completely understand that in some cases the worst that can happen is actually pretty bad and in those instances maybe don’t go for it. But a lot of the times I talk myself out of doing things because I think the consequences might be worse than they actually could be.

    Example: Jason and I make custom engraved recipe books and I reached out to a big vegan recipe instagram account and offered a custom book for them. I almost didn’t send the message because I was so afraid of them not wanting the book or not answering. But that’s literally the worst thing that could happen. And that’s not that bad. So I sent it. They read the message and didn’t reply. So the worst that could happen happened and I’m still here to tell the story.

  2. If there’s a possibility of something good coming from it then do it.

    Similar to my experience above. I reached out to an even bigger blogger/influencer that was having a baby and asked if she wanted a name puzzle for her new baby. She said yes, shared it on instagram and that same night I had 200 new insta followers and 20 orders. Which was mind blowing!

    So the possibility of something good happening should make most things worth it to try!

  3. It makes life interesting.

    Fun stories about your life are the best. And you won’t have any unless you go for things and create the memories!