Ramble & Rove

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Things We've Learned as Wives

Written by: Callie and Brenna

So lately everyone has been asking us how the married life is going and usually we are just like “it’s good!” but we’ve decided we need to let y’all in on some things about being married. I’m sure you can relate to a few of these and if you have any advice to offer up, we want to know!

  • Boys are actually really helpful… If you give them a little guidance. For instance, if I didn’t get to do laundry the night before, I’ll start a load while I’m getting ready in the morning and JT will finish it up. He worries he’ll mess up the washing part so we’ve compromised by leaving the drying/hanging up to him.

  • Staying on the subject of laundry, dirty clothes will literally NEVER make it into the clothes hamper, and you have to be okay with that. So before getting married I heard so many times that guys just don’t put their dirty clothes in the hamper. And I was like, why, it’s so easy! So I’ve moved the hamper to a few different locations to see if Jason will put clothes in it and no matter where it is the clothes always end up on the floor RIGHT BY the hamper! It was frustrating at first but now I don’t use the hamper either so we just have piles of dirty clothes that I’ll go around and pick up when it’s time to do laundry.

  • Dinner does NOT have to be an all out five star meal every night. I think Callie will agree with me on that. We both enjoy cooking at home because it’s cheap and usually easier than trying to figure out a place to go. When we first got married I tried really hard to make every meal special and yummy until JT told me that he could care less what I cook for him because apparently all of the meals I make are yummy. So now I focus on quick, easy and healthy meals so we can spend more time together instead of cleaning up a messy kitchen or prepping for an hour.

  • It’s good to have your own activities. I like watching trash reality TV shows. Jason does not. He likes spending hours upon hours in a hot garage making cool shit. I get bored after an hour. So we do our own things sometimes. And that’s okay! If you have friends I would think this point could extrapolate to them as well and spending time separate from each other. I don’t have friends though so I’m not sure on this point but it probably works.

  • Going to the bathroom is a sacred time for both parties. If the door is shut, that means you stay out. Even if they know you’re just sitting there scrolling in a peaceful silence. We are still working on that.

  • Don’t stop going out! This is one that Jason and I really need to work on more. We are creatures of routines and really enjoy doing nothing but staying home. But I still want to date Jason and not let us get into any ruts, especially this early in the game. So getting outside and taking Bas on walks, or going to a movie are the small things we do right now. We moved to a booming city and still haven’t seen half of it, so this is something we’ll be working on, going on dates and exploring the city.

  • Marriage is fun if you actually have fun. JT and I really into scaring each other right now. I know, that sounds so weird but honestly it’s so much fun. This has been going on for a few weeks now and JT still lets his guard down in the shower and I scare him almost every night. We giggle like little kids because his face is absolutely priceless and I guess he just enjoys suffering to make me laugh.

  • Travel together! Jason and I have been lucky enough to go on a few large scale vacations together so far. Though most of those have been vacations with family and friends. And that’s great, but vacationing together with just the two of you is so great! The only time we’ve managed to do this has been our honeymoon but we’ve got another trip for just us in the works right now! It’s just such a great time to getaway from the normal wear and tear of life and work and be completely 100% with each other. You’ll remember all the reasons you love your person and why they’re the best, and you’ll probably make even more inside jokes along the way and grow closer together in the process.

  • It’s important to make time for yourself. However that looks for you, do it. For me, it’s working out and JT knows that which is why he works out at the Orangetheory in Conroe and I go to the Spring location. He’ll even agree, working out has been my thing for almost four years now and he goes because it makes me happy. So let it be known that I don’t force him to go at all. I love that he respects my one hour to clear my head. Also, because he knows I’m coming home ready to feast after that which means a yummy meal.

So there you have it, just a few tips and suggestions from the married PGLs of R&R. As Brenna said above, we’re very new to this whole being married thing, and we would love to hear any tips or things you’ve learned since being married! Leave us a comment!