Photo Aug 18, 6 58 38 PM.jpg

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As the World Rambles On: October Edition

As the World Rambles On: October Edition

Written by: Callie, Kenzie, and Brenna


I kicked off October by visiting a pumpkin patch with Brad - the perfect way to start October, right? We bought a huge pumpkin just for fun and a bunch of little ones for all the fall decorating! I also made a super cute wreath for Brad’s door because I don’t have a front door of my own yet to put it on.

I also did a lot of prep for a market Callie and I are doing this Saturday in Montgomery. Lots of crafting going on up in here, but I don’t really have many photos of that because it was all very messy. Also, we are having a lot of renovations done to the house right now, so it is a disaster zone which was stressing me out, but now I’ve just accepted it. We had to move everything out of the front room and turns out - we have a lot of stuff. So it’s all shoved into Callie’s old room mainly and then all the nooks and crannies elsewhere too. For example, I have to gingerly step around my huge fiddle leaf fig just to get into bed every night. I’m not as stressed about it anymore, but I will also love when all the work is completed!

As always, I would like to brag a bit and showcase some of the cakes I did this past month. I also got to do the wedding cake for one of my closest and oldest friend’s wedding and Brad and I got to go despite all this covid nonsense! It was a super intimate and super lovely small wedding full of joy and I didn’t even cry while making the cake this go around - I typically do, especially when it’s a wedding cake. But everything went swimmingly and the cake was beautiful and so was the wedding.

Things at Galavants are coming along nicely. I feel like we’ve hit a kind of routine which is nice, but there is still some possible news coming in the future, but for now, I’m keeping it on the down low. So stay tuned because I know that’s cryptic and hopefully I can share soon once some things are finalized! We did have a small Halloween hangout where we stayed open late to hand out candy and made butterbeer to sell (y’know like from Harry Potter) and got all dressed up (Brad carved out that giant pumpkin we got and wore it on his head like Dwight from The Office) and like three trick-or-treaters came. A couple of customers also showed, but mostly it was just friends hanging out by the fire and drinking and then we played a game. Still the most eventful Halloween I’ve had in a while so it was fun!

October was a pretty good month. The weather is finally cooled off and I LOVE IT. I’m hoping it just gets colder as we move into November and let me tell you, I am excited for November!!! This weekend, Callie and Jason are coming down for the market and to hang out and then there’s Thanksgiving which I love and also my birthday! Anyways, I just love fall and I’m ready for the holiday season and all the cozy.


Things actually happened in October! Wow, imagine that. So the major thing is that we made Local Pines into an actual LLC! Jason and I read lots of internet articles about lots of different things and I think we’ve finally got most of the annoying paperwork completed! The bank account finally got set up and funded this week and now we’re just waiting for some debit cards to get here and then we’ll be able to tell exactly how much money we spend vs make and I hope we come out on the better side of that and are actually making money on this endeavor.

Speaking of making (or more likely not making) money, we are going to be in a farmer’s market this weekend! So if you’re in the Montgomery area on November 7th swing by downtown and come say hi to us! We’ve worked hard on making fun things for this and hope it pays off! I’d love to do more farmer’s markets in the future too!

Similar to Kenzie I also have some cryptic news that I don’t want to share yet because you never know who reads this blog and there’s no set time on this thing yet so hopefully soon! We also finished our back bedroom finally! I love the wall color but now my chairs and dresser don’t really match. So I see even more painting in my future. Or maybe just more estate sales for new furniture!

Last weekend for Halloween we went to the ranch and hung out with Jason’s family! I’d been looking forward to going trick or treating with all the nieces and nephews for a while now and Halloween landing on a Saturday this year was perfect! Though the atmosphere of 2020 maybe wasn’t and cut our trick or treating down by a bit it was still lots of fun and was the perfect weather!

And now for the PHOTO DUMP! (oh and shameless plug if you want cool custom wood gifts for your friends and family for Christmas make sure to hit up Local Pines)


My update is going to be short and sweet because I’m sitting here in my classroom an hour before my students show up because this is when I feel the most at peace in my day. Don’t get me wrong, I love being at home all snuggled up on the couch but I know that the magic happens here in the classroom so I like to relish in the quietness before the babes get here.

So let’s get to it. October was just as busy for me as any other month it seemed like. Don’t get me wrong, the days are insanely busy but as far as doing fun things, I didn’t really do a whole bunch. I worked in my classroom one Saturday which sounds so boring but I got SO much done that was more cosmetic than anything. I spend more time here than at home so for me I want it to be as perfect as possible but between grading, getting assignments ready and keeping the babes alive and engaged- there just isn’t time for the fun decorating that I love.

JT and I ate dinner almost every week with Mom and Phil. So I hope that’s becoming a tradition because I love them and that special time together. No, not because it’s a free meal. We take turns paying, like good adults. Don’t be fooled, I’m hardly an adult though.

I hustled my way through the month at OTF, hung out with some old friends from the Spring studio and managed to lose three pounds (thank you stress). So that’s a good little highlight.

I don’t have any cryptic potential news like my other two heathen friends but I know what theirs is and needless to say, it’ll be big news for both of them if everything works out. So say a prayer for my loser friends!

I wish that my post was longer but to be honest the only real news here is that I am exhausted. I love what I do and wouldn’t trade it for anything but the days are flying by and I run at about 90mph from 5AM to 9PM. My heart goes out to those who are navigating through this time with children. I do not know how you do it.

As the World Rambles On: November Edition

As the World Rambles On: November Edition

As the World Rambles on: September Edition

As the World Rambles on: September Edition