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A Checklist for a Happier Mindset

A Checklist for a Happier Mindset

Written by: Kenzie

To be honest, Monday was not a very good day. Small things kept going wrong throughout the day, piling up, and to top it off I accidentally deleted all of my progress on this blog… TWICE. I don’t want to talk about it. However, this is a very good time to share the topic of this blog which is easy things to do to help you have a happier mindset. A lot of the time, stress, negativity, and pain get in the way of things and really bring down the mood. It is easy to focus on these negative things and forget all of the good around us.

I hope that one or more of these quick tips can help you, too, but I want to state that I am by no means a therapist, guru, or expert! These are just simple things that work for me and could work for you too. They help me chill out and focus on what’s important instead of the things that don’t really matter in the long run (like whether or not that sink water just splashed back on my hand and I need to re-wash them - obsessive compulsive over here). I know things like that don’t really matter, but in that moment, they seem to be soooo important. In reality, they aren’t.

So, here come three simple things to help get you in a better mindset for a happier and more productive day!

  1. Slow the heck down.

    If you keep trying at something while everything keeps going wrong, it gets frustrating super fast. So, just take a breath and remove yourself from the stressful thing for a moment. Doesn’t have to be too long. My favorite thing to do is go for a little drive and blast some tunes and yell the lyrics. It’s definitely therapeutic. Or, you could go on a walk, or just go to another room and look at soothing things on Pinterest. No matter how small, it helps!

  2. Make yourself something pretty to eat or drink.

    This one sounds a little stupid, but it’s effective for me. I make myself a super yummy meal, have a little photo shoot, and then enjoy the spoils of my labor. This can also be done with a beverage - a fancy coffee or tea drink, alcohol, whatever. Focusing on the task of creating something pretty food-wise give my brain a break from thinking about too many other things and then you get a reward once you’re done creating which is enjoying the thing you just made. Neat, right?


3. Get outside.

Another super easy thing to do. The great outdoors is always super soothing to me. No coincidence that it’s also where I feel closest to God. Whether it’s something as easy as enjoying a stroll around the block or cloud gazing at a local park or something a bit more involved like taking a hiking trip somewhere for a weekend getaway, I believe spending time outdoors is good for the soul and the mind. You just can’t be too unhappy when you’re looking at a gorgeous flower, or marveling at a giant tree. At least, I can’t be!


So there ya have it. This blog is a bit shorter than I initially intended but that’s on account of me deleting it twice before. Plus, it’s a quick read to get you smiling because the world needs more of that smile!

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