Photo Aug 18, 6 58 38 PM.jpg

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Why We're Moving Back

Why We're Moving Back

Written by Callie

UPDATE: Here’s the link to the house we are selling in case you’re interested!

So this is basically just a little life update that just focuses on one thing: Mine and Jason’s moving back to the Conroe area.

As you may know if you know us personally or have been following for a while mine and Kenzie’s mom has cancer. She’s had it for a while now and a couple different types. There’s been surgeries and chemo and there have been good and bad days. One cancer seems to be persistent though and we just want to be back to be closer to the fam.

Jason has been working from home for the last 9 months and I asked him if he liked it and would want to ask his manager if that could be a permanent thing. His job requires him to travel (though not now) to other cities and locations to check on things but he isn’t really needed to be at the actual facility in Fort Worth. His manager said yes and that’s when we started seriously considering!

I quit my job from the cup decorating at Christmas (it was an insane Christmas season between the cups and our Local Pines). Since then we’ve been fixing our house up and painting everything and getting it ready to sell. Jason’s mom and sister came down last weekend and gave me the kick I needed to really get into this whole process. We packed up most of our nonessential stuff, rented a Uhaul and moved it to a storage unit in Conroe. So now this is all a real thing.

Selling our house seems like a huge undertaking. I love this house and it’s going to be difficult to leave it but I’m really excited for the things we have planned for once we move. i’m going to try and grow Local Pines more and we’re also starting a family estate sale business! If everything works out I’ll be spending my days with mom and Kenzie which just sounds so lovely!

We’ve been looking for houses in the Conroe area (preferably in Montgomery) with a bit of land and a house that’s not dilapidated but that’s proving a little difficult to find. So if you know of anyone that’s planning on selling their house soon let me know! Also, maybe more so, if you know anyone that wants to buy a house in South Fort Worth (good neighborhood, lots of old trees, huge backyard, nice updated bathrooms and kitchen) tell them to send me an email to and I’ll send photos!

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