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Strange Childhood Snacks

Strange Childhood Snacks

Written by Callie

So this past week i was lying in bed scrolling through TikTok because that’s where my life is at these days and for some odd reason I just started thinking about the snacks/meals that we used to eat when we were kids. And for some unknown reason I felt really compelled to write a post about it. So happy Tuesday!

Easy Noodle-y Tuna with Dad

Okay I know a lot of people don’t like tuna from a can so I’m probably going to lose some of you here but for the ones that do stick with me. Dad used to make a giant batch of what we deemed Noodle-y Tuna. Not to be confused with Tuna Noodles, the Hamburger Helper meal. This was Dad’s own recipe. It consists of elbow noodles (yes, it must be elbow noodles. No other shape will do). When they’re cooked you throw a bunch of butter in with the noodles, add as many cans of tuna that you want,, and then some spices which were usually just season salt. I honestly can’t remember any other seasoning that he would add. Maybe some fajita seasoning too? But mostly just a lot of season salt.

And that was it. A giant Tupperware of this stuff would sit in the fridge for a few days taking up valuable real estate while we snacked on it or ate it for a quick easy dinner when we had to get back to the couch to watch whatever series we were into those days. Mom never liked this meal but me, Dad, and Kenzie loved it. It gets better the next day and we’d just eat it cold. I understand if some of you want to say I’m disgusting but I’m highly considering making it this week to force Jason to relive this childhood delicacy with me.

Late Night Cheese and Crackers with Mom

I have fond memories with Mom and Kenzie of making cheese and crackers late at night. Usually it would be on Saturday nights, when Dad was already in bed and we were waiting up to watch SNL. Around 10 pm we’d all get a little hungry and want something to snack on. Ice cream was always a go to but sometimes that just doesn’t hit the spot right. But cheese and crackers always would!

One person would pull the hunk of cheddar cheese from the fridge and start to slice of pieces while the other person would be spreading Miracle Whip on Ritz crackers and the third lucky person got to remain on the couch while others brought them food. You gotta switch out roles though every now and then to keep it fair.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Really Callie, mayonnaise?? Cheese by itself on crackers is good too.” And I’d say, why yes it is. But have you ever added mayo to the equation? Because it just brings the whole thing up to another magnificent level. And it has to be Miracle Whip Light. It just does.

Sometimes if you feel extra fancy you can slice up a round of bologna and add it to the cracker for a real Lunchable feel.

Sick Saltines and Butter

Sometimes when you’re sick, which seemed to happen a lot more often as a child, you just don’t feel like eating much. But you know you have to eat something. Saltines when you’re sick is no new revelation. But butter on them may be. It has to be Country Crock Light butter though. That’s the only suitable butter pairing for this. Sometimes we’d just make if for a snack too even when completely healthy. Because we’re lazy like that.


Not sure why but my family used to love to buy the “light” versions of things. I don’t think we do anymore but I specifically remember that giant yellow tub of Country Crock always in the fridge. Did they stop selling it in like the half gallon size? I never see it anymore.

I’m disgusting. Writing these down (particularly the Noodle-y Tuna and Saltines and Butter) I’m realizing that they just sound so gross. But oh well, I guess I’ve been conditioned to like them from an early age.

What’s Yours?

Okay, seriously, I can’t be the only one that has these strange food holdovers from childhood right?? I NEED to know what yours are so I can not be alone! Leave a comment about your favorites!

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