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5 Small Businesses to Support this Holiday Season

5 Small Businesses to Support this Holiday Season

Written by: Kenzie

If you think it’s a little early to start your Christmas shopping, think again! I know that small businesses really appreciate shopping early to avoid some of the madness for all those last minute shoppers. The more time they have, the better!

I highly recommend supporting small business when you can rather than buying from large corporations. It helps actual people make a little bit of money to support themselves, their families, or their pets rather than contributing to the pocketbooks of greedy CEOs that only spend it on bigger yachts or private jets that pollute the environment even further. But I digress.

This holiday season, consider shopping small and really making the day or a small business owner. Here are my favorites for Christmas gifts!

  1. Local Pines

    You could say I’m a little biased on this one considering it is Callie’s shop, but honestly, she and Jason make such great stuff! Their products are made with quality materials and handcrafted by the two of them which is really cool. They have a lot of great items for stocking stuffers, children’s gifts, bakers/cooks, readers, creatives, you name it! They also do customization on tons of stuff so it really just adds a nice personal touch.

2. Sky Girl Farm

I recently met the owner of Sky Girl Farm at a market that was taking place at Honey’s Coffee and her soaps are absolutely amazing! Each soap is made with goat’s milk from their homestead in Southeast Texas. She has so many great scents and they are absolutely beautiful! Some may think soap is a boring gift, but let me tell you, her soaps are anything but!

3. Frog & Toad Press

Based in Rhode Island, these folks know how to make some seriously fun and seriously well-designed gifts! Their greeting cards are witty and adorable and they have lots of other products that made great gifts for the loved ones in your life. I’m talking funny trophies, hand drawn prints, and other small gifts like patches and pins.

4. Quincy General Store

Quincy is actually a curated collection of goods from a handful of different creators. That means they have a great selection of items including plants, hair accessories, beauty products, and even clothes. They take the time to select beautiful and well-made products so you don’t have to and can buy gifts for nearly everyone on your list all from one spot!

5. River Organics Beauty

This beauty company really takes the time to create super sustainable skincare and makeup AND it all comes in eco friendly packaging. My favorite product from them is their brow wax (which lasts forever and looks fantastic), but I’ve also tried and loved their chapstick. They have a wide selection for a small business and you can’t beat their determination to keep things as low waste as possible!

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